Why We Go to Places to Drink Our Wine

Why do I always try to take you to a place to drink wine from the various grapes that we discuss here? It's because place matters. And, because place has an identity. And, during these times of COVID with many still feeling trapped in their homes, if you can close your eyes for a moment and imagine yourself in the place that I try to take you to, perhaps it will be a means of escape. You don't need me to tell you that you need that escape today, do you?

It's important because the place that a wine comes from really does affect the wine itself. Not only is it a labeling and likely pricing issue, it's a taste and like or dislike issue as well, And, whether you know it or not, you make a lot of your buying decisions that way. 

I hear it when I am shopping for wine and I hear it sitting in restaurants. People make comments such as, "I always like New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc" or "I don't like French wine (almost always because they have grown up on the bigger, bolder, more fruit forward California wines)." So, they don't try French wines or they always go for New Zealand white wines.

That's not very adventurous. I want you to be adventurous. If you read a description of a wine in here that sounds really tasty like something you might like or the description of where we virtually drink it here puts you at peace, go find a bottle. While admittedly, some of the wines we have discussed in this blog are quite expensive (certainly well beyond my means), others can be had for less than $10 for a very good bottle.

So, what we're going to be doing for a few days or more is taking you to places where the wines have a specific character to them, but don't burn a whole in your wallet to help you to understand where you might take your wine adventure. These are some of the hidden gems where the lack of reputation does not allow for extreme pricing. They may be the places you've never heard of, at least from a wine standpoint, but probably should.

But, that starts tomorrow.


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