Football Wine

Okay, I admit it; this is a horrible topic. But, I have the writer's block of all writer's blocks today. So, today, you get football wine because Thanksgiving is coming and on Thanksgiving, we watch football. And, if you don't, then you do Thanksgiving differently than I do and this is my blog.

I could go two directions on this: one is what you should drink while watching football and the other is the wines of former football players (and coaches who have gotten into the wine business. I guess I can save the one I don't use for another day.

But, for now, imagine yourself sitting on the sofa or in your favorite chair just sceeaming at the TV. For me, that's not always easy to do in the traditional noon game because I often don't care about the Lions or whoever their opponent is, but the traditional mid-to-late afternoon game is different. The Cowboys play and that means my second favorite team is playing. No, the Cowboys are not my second favorite team, but whoever suits up against them is. This year, that is the Washington Football Team and frankly, political correctness aside, it's difficult to ignore their historical nickname. But, in 2020, they are the Washington Football team and they must be cheered for.

So, what should you drink while watching the Washington Football Team beat up on the Cowboys? It's usually cold that day, so you need something to warm you. And, you need something with substance to dull your senses because you will undoubtedly be subjected to the annoyance of Joe Buck and Troy Aikman, the worse announcing team to hit TV. 

I recommend a really high alcohol Cabernet. Likely, that means that you should go for one from a hgiher altitude vineyard in Napa where ABV content sometimes exceeds 16%, That should both warm you and make Messrs. Buck and Aikman slightly more palatable, but only slightly as they each have the lack of bias that is common on cable news (that would be complete bias).

Once that game ends, we'll be treated to a classic slugfest of probably two of the three best teams in the league right now as we watch the Steelers play the Ravens. Unlike the mid-afternoon game, this one will take care of itself for excitement. And, it will be dessert time. If you're still in dessert mode, refer to my earlier guidance for your wine selection. But, if you'r done with dessert, I think a vintage Port will be a wonderful way to finish off the day.


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