The Right Way to Enjoy Wine

Some people drink wine to get drunk. Admit it; either you are one of those people or you know someone who is. We all know that person if we are not one. And, we all like to feel that bit of relaxation or even euphoria, there are better reasons to drink wine.

How do I know? If your sole purpose is to get drunk, you can find a cheaper way. Go buy the cheapest bottle of tequila you can find, for example, and drink beyond your tolerance. And, do not get behind the wheel or anywhere near it.

I drink wine because I like the taste. I like the senation. I like the experience. I revel in what is different about one wine, unique about another, and how it became what it is. 

But, what I really enjoy about it is the social context. With a very rare exception, I do not drink wine by myself. Or, if I do, it will almost be just one glass. That is, just something to slow down tension or to accompany my food.

But back to the social context, consider how much more fun something can be when you share it with someone you love. Or with friends. Or with acquaintances. Or even with someone you are meeting for the first time and with whom you might have a common bond.

That's right; wine is for sharing. 

Yes, when I open a special bottle, I will likely limit the people I share it with it. No, the Petrus is not going to the person who really likes Boone's Farm (I don't actually own any Petrus, never have and unless it is gifted to me am pretty sure I never will).

But, it makes for conversation when two people or two dozen people taste of the same bottle and each has a different impression. It's something to talk about. It's something to observe on people's faces. It's a social experience. 

And that, dear readers, is a better way to enjoy wine. It can be a $3 bottle, a $30 bottle, or a $30,000 bottle. But, I swear it will taste better if you are able to have the social component around it. Trust me on this one.


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