You're at the Super Bowl and You Need Wine

This year's Super Bowl attendees are very fortunate. It looks like it could be an exciting game and there just aren't that many tickets available. But, while I've been a football fan for way longer than I've even ever heard of wine, this is not a football blog. However, before I move on, it's important to note that Super Bowls XXI, XXV, XLII, and XLVI are the really good games to remember. The rest were just football games.

With this year's Super Bowl in Tampa, game goers are blessed with having a Super Bowl near one of the world's greatest collections of wine you might ever experience. And, the same place has steak and great desserts and a few other foods as well.

Bern's Steak House is a legend in Tampa, and frankly, outside of Tampa as well. Founded in the very early 60s by a now deceased man by the name of Bern Laxer, they have simply the wine list to end all wine lists and, the wine is very reasonably priced as restaurants go as well.

As we leave the game, we have to get there. And, with the trafiic likely leaving the Super Bowl, we might be best off walking. Then again, maybe not. We, of course, have pull. And, we've coerced game security to allow us to get a ride out of Raymond James Stadium first. The ride easy -- just 5 miles almost eclusively south to the restaurant where they've scheduled a special seating just for us.

As we walk in, we can't help but notice the setting. Imagine a cross between a Victorian mansion and a Roaring 20s bordello. It's opulent, yet gaudy, or perhaps gaudy should be first. 

Brought to our own private room, we are seated and presented with the menu (a story in and of itself) and the wine list. It's think and leather bound and nicely arranged. 

Looking for a special treat? What's your passion? You want a 1961 Cheval Blanc? It's on there, likely in multiple bottle sizes. How about a 1945 DRC? Yep. Or, perhaps you'd like something a bit less pricey. Something from Napa Valley perhaps because we have recently spent more than 2 weeks there? What would be a good number of bottles from Napa Valley to have in a restaurant? 50? 100? 500? Nope, we're off by orders of magnitude. If we count all of their storage space, surely they have more than 50,000.

After dinner, don't forget to take the tour of the kitchen and the cellar and then head upstairs to the dessert floor where you'll get a separate dessert drink list.

Yes, Bern's is for wine drinkers. Whether you like it or not is your decision.


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