I Need Your Feedback, Seriously

Today, I'm not really writing about wine. Instead, in this blog, I am blogging about this blog. It's not easy every day writing about wine or in the case of today, writing about this blog. But, every morning, with a few exceptions when it has flipped over to afternoons, for slightly more than 370 of them now, I've persevered. Sometimes that's been easy; sometimes, it's not.

I expect that most of you who read this do so by grabbing it on your Facebook or Twitter feed. Some of you follow this blog through Blogger and some get daily emails. But, from any who are willing, I'd like to know what you like and what you don't. What makes you want to read? You can comment in the Facebook feed, reply on Twitter, comment on this post on the blog, or contact me some other way that you know will work (email, text, phone call, probably shouldn't senf me a letter via the USPS).

The other thing that has come from a number of you is that I should turn this into a book. If I were to start one, it wouldn't be the first time I started a book. But, if I finished it, it would be the first time I finished one. 

Let's suppose I were to do so. One thing I could do would be to simply assemble all these posts into an e-book and self-publish, I suppose. Were I a reader, I wouldn't like that. It's haphazard. It's all over the place. Some person trying to make me feel good would say that is the part of the charm. You'd have to work really hard though because I'm not sure you could make me believe you.

On the other hand, suppose I had a catchy title. The only things that pop into my head are plays on Jules Verne's "Around the World in 80 Days," so that I might wind up with something as silly as "Around the World in [pick whatever number I wind up with] Wines." Maybe one of you has one for me. If I do write such a thing and get to the point of getting it out there to the public, I'll give you credit, I promise.

If I were to go down this road, though, I think what I would do is take the reader on a vicarious wine trip around the world with the travel in an orderly sense. So, for example, we might start here and end here, but visit all the places we have visited, but in an order that makes travel sense.

Help me. Talk me out of this ... or talk me into it.

And, while I'm asking for your help, I'm going to give you a quick preview. I recently came into possession of a new wine of which only one barrel was produced. That's less than 300 bottles ... in the world ... anywhere. While I've not tasted it yet and likely won't for a while, tomorrow we're going to visit the winery where it was produced, vicariously of course, while we vicariously drink the wine.

Thanks in advance for your help.


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