Red Wine and COVID-19

I know. You thought this was going to be about how the sales of red wine have increased dramatically during the COVID-19 pandemic. And, you know what, they probably have, but I don't have that data. I would also hazard a guess that sales of white wine, blush wine, sparkling wine, dry wine, sweet wine, still wine, sparkling wine, jug wine, and boxed wine have all increased over the last year. So, probably have sales of whisky, gin, vodka, tequila, rum, and every other liquor. It's how a lot of people cope. But, that is not the topic here.

I read an article yesterday whose abstract said among other things "the possible role of polyphenols ... in containing [COVID-19]." Now, this is just a hypothesi .. a possible role. But, it's important.

Polyphenols have been known for quite some time to promote a healthy body. You can find them in lots of places : berries, particularly blueberries, nuts, particularly almonds and cashews.

Now, what in the world do they have in common and what is the connection to red wine?

They all have skin. And, in the skin of all of them is a common bond. And, that common bond is tanninS. And, tannins are a polyphenol.

That's right; tannins are a polyphenol. And, our favorite beverage that is loaded with tannins is red wine. You remember. Those tannins that you complain about because when they are really tight and dense and you know they make your mouth pucker and you are pretty sure they give you headaches. Yes, those tannins -- dense and thivk and chewy and puckery. Those tannins. They are polyphenols.

And, yes, there is evidence that those polyphenols -- those tannins -- might play a role in containing COVID-19 and in limiting its severity in humans. 

Now, I don't want you to think this is a panacea, a cure, or by any means foolproof. COVID-19 is a horrible virus and I can assure you that drinking red wine in any quantity is not a substitute for safe behavior. It's not a substitute for getting vaccinated. It doesn't mean that social distancing should be a thing of the past. It's not more effective than a mask.

But, there is evidence that it does help in limiting spread and severity. So, also do the typical healthy foods that you've been encouraged to eat.

So, tonight, I am going to drink some red wine ... just in case it might help.


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