Wine is Supposed to be Social

It's been one of the more difficult things about the pandemic for me. Wine is supposed to be social. We share with others. We talk about it. We talk about other things We're happy. We smile and we laugh.

This topic came to mind because it was on March 12 last year that I had just finished a grueling business day in another city, had prepared for a meeting to be the next morning and then was flying home. As is not unusual for me in these circumstances, I had dinner, sitting at my hotel bar (not really a bar so much as it is the place where they prepare drinks in the hotel restaurant). It's not the late night bar scene, but a place where the bartender serves you and you don't feel all alone at a table too big for one.

I remember sitting at the bar and having a burger as was the gentleman on one side of me while the lady on the other side had what I think was some sort of salad with a piece of fish. And, each of us had a glass of wine (mine was the least expensive, but the best 😀 ) and we talked and laughed.

And, then, all of that disappeared. I've not had the occasion to do that since.

Some of you might think differently, but I don't like the idea of having my wine alone. Even if I am enjoying one type of wine and you a different one, if you are there with me, it adds a social aspect to the wine. And, that is good. It helps to keep us mentally healthy and that is oh so critical. And, we haven't had it.

Where does this leave me? It makes me want to get back to normal and I'm sure it does you as well. It doesn't have to be around wine, but if you are reading this blog, it just might be. 

Heck, you can even socially distance while you're doing it. Just spread out, put a bottle in the middle of you, enjoy, discuss, talk, and laugh.

Please laugh. Laughter is important and perhaps that little bit of alcohol in the wine will make the laughter come out just a little bit more.

And, now that you have learned about well more than 100 new wine types over the last year, branch out. Try something different. And, if you have nothing else to laugh about, laugh at me.


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