Without Discipline, You Just Spent a Lot of Money for ... What?

You just spent a lot of money for a bottle of wine or a few bottles or a case. Were not talking just a little bit more than a normal purchase, but we're talking serious money. And, you spent the money for lots of reasons hopefully a few of which are that you could afford it and that you can tel the difference. 

You can't wait to taste this bottle. So, it arrived at your house earlier this week, however it is that it got there and today you are opening it. Now, just for illustration, let's suppose it cost you $150 (there are lots of right answers to this one).

Why did it cost that much? Again, since we don't know what the bottle is, we're just guessing here, but these guesses might be pretty good ones. It's one of those grapes or blends that is pretty popular. It's likely a pretty good demonstration of what can be done. It's complex, but that complexity is likely to increase with age. And, speaking of age, it's ageworthy.

Yes, you, the consumer, are paying for the fact that this wine will become more interesting over time. And, you are paying for the fact that it will improve over a significant period time. Wines that you must drink today can't be expensive because there is less about them that is interesting. Wines, however, that will evolve over the next large number of years give the owner the opportunity to experience that evolution if they have acquired several bottles.

So, let's return to the bottle at hand. And, yes, I'm picking on a few of you here who might do this. This bottle cost you $150. It's from an expersive piece of land in an expensive area. It's really fruit forward so much so that the secondary and tertiary flavors might not be coming through right away. But, the bottle looks so appealing. And, it is trying to give you the urge to open it today.

So, you give in. 

Does it taste like it's worth $150. Is it that much better than the $40 bottle or even the $20 bottle. Does it have that complexity that you're looking for? Do you get the fruit on the front of your palate and the earthiness and savory notes on the back? Do you have drinker's remorse?

I'm going to suggest that if any of these questions are making you blush that you do. And, further, I am going to suggest that if none of them do, then you shouldn't have spend this kind of money (perhaps you shouldn't have anyway).

If you pay for complexity and ageworthiness, then please, please, please have the discipline to get the value for that you bought. Otherwise, just give me the bottle and I will drink it when it is ready.


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