Tidbits, Potpourri, and Etcetera

I didn't sleep well last night. That's not unusual. What was unusual is that I got back to sleep right after 4AM which is when I am normally up for good. As such, I have no superbly brilliant wine thoughts today, not that I ever do. But, what I do have are a few notes and maybe a pearl of wine wisdom along the way.

First, for those of you who subscribe to this blog, the good folks who run blogger, that is Google, tell me that the subscribe widget will cease to work after some date in July. If you want to continue to see this blog, you have three ways available that I can see:

  • Bookmark and come to it frequently as in every day
  • Follow me on Twitter @johnhlowell as I push each post out via Twitter
  • Be my Facebook friend (that's people I know) where I also push out each post
When I started doing this blog, it was to fill the six weeks of no travel starting in late March 2020 as we all knew that lockdown would be over by early June 2020 at worst (the world has never been so wrong). It was going to cover a different grape each day knowing that I could easily do 40-50 grapes. Now, nearly 500 posts in, obviously my posts have changed. At some point, this blog will become less frequent, but for now, it remains daily (great post ideas for me are always helpful).

As time went by, I realized that at least part of my goal is to make you, the readers, enjoy wine more. Perhaps through reading, you can develop a taste profile that tells you which new wine adventures to take and with which foods, and which ones you should stay away from.

For those that have been with me since the beginning, you've been to probably 50 wine-producing countries, tried perhaps 200 different grapes, and learned about tannins, acidity, the physical structure of your palate, some off the wall chemicals, differences in soil and winds, and the effects of nearby bodies of water.

We'll be back to more normal posts tomorrow, but as always, thanks for reading.


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