You Meet the Nicest People Drinking Wine

Perhaps it's the alcohol. Maybe it's that you are just doing something fun. Could it be that only nice people drink wine? No, I know it's not that as I've had the other experience as well. But, by and large, when out tasting wine whether at a winery, a wine bar or restaurant, or just wherever it's an option, nice people seem to abound. 

Consider yesterday. We chose to take our relatively new puppy (she's 4 1/2 months old now) out to do some wine tasting. We chose two wineries, one of which we had been to previously and the other which we had heard good things about, that claimed to be dog friendly. And, both were.

Arriving at the first one, poor little Lola was amazed at everything around her -- the sights, the sounds, the smells, all the people, and even a few other dogs. While I went to get us wine, Lisa found a "sofa" on one side of an outdoor table. A couple less than half our ages was on the other side. I don't expect we have much in common with them at all, but we had a source of conversation (actually multiple sources) and we talked. We talked about Lola, we talked about wine, we talked about the gorgeous weather, the view, the other dogs around, and life generally. It made the whole visit that much more pleasant.

At the second winery, we sat at a table by ourselves. And, nearly immediately after sitting down, a group of 6 or 8 people, this time in the general vicinity of our ages, sat down at a combined table next to us. "Can we pet her?" "What's her name?" 

So, we talked about dogs and wine and life and lots that is good.

Never while we were at either winery did the conversation go to anything we might consider ugly. There was no politics discussion, no mask discussion, no vaccine discussion, no Afghanistan discussion. Just happiness, smiles and laughter.

Maybe the world just needs more wineries and wine to be a much happier place.


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