Wine Defects (Part 1)
It is amazing. Of all the people I have ever seen drinking wine and there are certainly more than one or two, it's been extremely rare that I have heard any of them, other than my wife, say anything negative about them. Surely among all these people, I have observed them and been with them when they have been drinking severely tainted wine, but so many people just observe with their expectations. That is, if someone tells them it is good, then it must be good. What are some of these flaws and how do you know that your wine has them? Brettanomyces Often known as just Brett, brettanomyces is a yeast. Lots of wines, in fact the large majority of French wines have some level of Brett in them. In smaller quantities, many think that Brett adds a savory flavor to wines. Perhaps you've found a wine with lots of mushroom or truffle notes. It moght be a function of the terroir in which the grapes were grown. It might be Brett. When Brett is too plentiful, however, you should know it. And...